Saturday, July 13, 2024

Is America Doomed? Will the Blood Flow Like Water?! This Man Sure Thinks So! (The Elizabethon Star, February 9 and February 13, 1972)


Wednesday, February 9, 1972:

Sunday, February 13, 1972:

And here we have a limited roadshow engagement of some exploitation shocks and Commie-Baiting scares of a Higher Order courtesy of bible-thumper extraordinaire, Estus W. Pirkle, and the converted sleaze-merchant, Ron Ormand. Try a double-feature of this and the dynamic duo’s other convert-or-die screed A Burning Hell (1974) some time -- readily available on the highly recommended From Hollywood to Heaven: The Lost and Saved Films of the Ormond Family Indicator boxset. It’s quite the trip.



This slightly Psychotronic ad for If Footmen ran in The Clarion Ledger (March 3, 1972).


And this one with further testimony appeared in The Hattiesburg American (March 3, 1972).


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